6 Easy Songs to Learn and Play on Acoustic Guitar

6 Easy Songs to Learn and Play on Acoustic Guitar

There are a lot of great songs out there that are perfect for beginners to learn on acoustic guitar. In this essay, we'll be looking at 6 easy songs to learn on acoustic guitar.

These songs are perfect for beginners because they are relatively simple to play and they sound great. Here is a list of some easy songs to learn and play on acoustic guitar


1. Here Comes the Sun by Beatles

 easy songs to learn on acoustic guitar- guitarmetrics

One of the great things about learning to play guitar is that you can learn songs that you already know and love.

If you're a fan of the Beatles, for example, then learning to play "Here Comes the Sun" is a great way to start.

The song is relatively simple to play and it sounds great on acoustic guitar.

Here is a guitar tutorial video by Marty Music:


2. Wonderwall by Oasis

easy songs to learn on acoustic guitar- guitarmetrics
Another great song for beginners is "Wonderwall" by Oasis.

This song is a bit more challenging than "Here Comes the Sun," but it's still relatively easy to learn.

The song has a great sound on acoustic guitar and it's a lot of fun to play.

Here is a guitar tutorial video by Marty Music:


3. Stairway to heaven by Led Zeppelin

Greatest Rock Song- The Stairway to Heaven Story

If you're looking for a challenge, then learning to play "Stairway to Heaven" by Led Zeppelin is a great option.

This song is notoriously difficult to play, but it's a lot of fun once you get the hang of it.

The song sounds great on acoustic guitar and it's sure to impress your friends.

Here is a guitar tutorial video by Mart Music


4. The Gambler by kenny Rogers

Kenny Rogers: Life in Photos – Billboard

If you're a fan of country music, then learning to play "The Gambler" by Kenny Rogers is a great option.

This song is relatively simple to play and it has a great sound on acoustic guitar. The song is also a lot of fun to sing along to.

Here is a guitar tutorial video by Marty Music:



5. Hotel California by the Eagles

easy songs to learn on acoustic guitar- guitarmetrics

If you're looking for a challenge, then learning to play "Hotel California" by the Eagles is a great option.

This song is notoriously difficult to play, but it's a lot of fun once you get the hang of it.

The song sounds great on acoustic guitar and it's sure to impress your friends.

Here is a guitar tutorial video by Mart Music:


6. Smoke on water by Deep Purple

easy songs to learn on acoustic guitar- guitarmetrics

If you're a fan of classic rock, then learning to play "Smoke on the Water" by Deep Purple is a great option.

This song is relatively simple to play and it has a great sound on acoustic guitar. The song is also a lot of fun to sing along to.

Here is a guitar tutorial by The Guitar club:



So what are you waiting for? 

Grab your guitar and start rocking out to these songs!

Video credits: Marty Music and The Guitar club

Please let us know your comments below about our recommendation of Easy songs to learn and play on acoustic guitar.

Check out these other Blogs we recommend for Easy songs to learn and play on acoustic guitar.

1. takelessons.com

56 Easy Acoustic Guitar Songs Everyone Should Know

2. guitarlobby.com

70 Easy Acoustic Guitar Songs for Beginners (with Video Lessons)

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