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Advertise with Guitarmetrics

At Guitarmetrics, we are passionate about connecting guitar enthusiasts with the best products and services in the industry. We offer prime advertising space on our website to help your brand reach our dedicated audience of musicians, hobbyists, and gear aficionados. Additionally, we provide comprehensive press release services to ensure your latest news gains maximum visibility.

Advertising Packages

We offer flexible and competitive pricing options for our ad spaces:

1 Week: $99

21 Days: $139

1 Month: $179

Lifetime: $249

Our ad spaces include in-content, banner, and homepage placements to ensure your message reaches our readers effectively.

Press Release Services

For $149, we will publish your press release and for $179 we will craft and publish a press release for your brand.

This service includes:

Homepage Display: Your press release will be prominently featured on our homepage.

Social Media Promotion: We will share your press release across our social media channels, including Pinterest, Facebook, Medium,, and Listly, to maximize your reach.

Guest Posting

We welcome writers of all backgrounds and experience levels, and we're committed to providing a platform for diverse voices and perspectives. Whether you're a seasoned pro or just starting out, we want to hear from you!

Please read our Blog contributor guidelines before submitting your article.

You can directly submit your article here or you can also email us at with the subject line "Guest post" Be sure to include a brief summary of your article idea.

Why Advertise with Us?

Targeted Audience: Reach a highly engaged community of guitar enthusiasts and potential customers.

Comprehensive Promotion: Benefit from our extensive promotional channels to ensure your message is seen by a wide audience.

Cost-Effective Packages: Choose from a range of advertising options to suit your budget and marketing goals.

For more information or to book your ad space, please contact us at or fill out the inquiry form below.

Contact form


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